Tuesday 22 May 2012

Jerusalem Day 3 and 4

The famous Wailing Wall
Our excellent guide, Avi,  is a History lecturer from the Hebrew University.  He did his Master’s in the Holocaust.  He took us to the Holocaust Museum and guided us giving us a very good insight into the history of events during the Holocaust.  We already knew most of what he said, but it was a very good reminder of why the Jewish people need their own State. 

Today we visited Bethlehem.  The significance, in my opinion, was going through the check point; through the wall that the Israelis built to protect themselves from Palestinian suicide bombers.  It reminded me of Checkpoint Charlie and the Berlin wall.  The Church of the Nativity is a “have to go there” site but really not at all spiritual and not really believable as the site where Jesus was born. 

Tomorrow we cross into Jordan and visit the Dead Sea.  We will be staying at a luxury resort and going for a dip in the Dead Sea.

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